big thank you to everyone who watched Entertainment Night, participated
in the silent auction, or donated at the event!
In September, we
weren’t sure if we would
be able to run Entertainment Night this year, so to been able to run it
and to have had such an outpouring of support from the community was
absolutely incredible.
We raised $1180 from the performance itself, as
well as $1500 from the silent auction, making
it a total of $2680!. We have already started to transfer this money to
our global charity, Hope and Healing International, which will use it to
provide health care to the most vulnerable in communities around the
world and they are so grateful for all of your
generous donations.
So thank you, and we hope to see you in person at
next year’s performance!
MC's for the evening were Samantha and Bethany.
Mona entertains with the song "Vienna"
Tatiana dances HIP HOP.
Camila danced a wonderful solo dance.